The breed has many synonyms such as “Berari”, “Gaorani”, Ellichpuri “Puranthadi”, “Varhadi”, “Gaolavi”, “Arvi”, “Gaolaogan”, “Gangauri”, “Shahi” and “Chanda”. The breeding tract includes Akola, Amravati, Yavatmal, Wardha and Nagpur districts of Maharashtra. The breed is maintained for milk and draught purposes. The animals of this breed are very well-adapted to the harsh climate of Vidarbha region. These buffaloes are used for heavy draught purpose and Farmers prefer this breed due to its low maintenance cost, efficiency of feed conversion, moderate production and better adaptation to local climatic conditions. The breed is black with white patches on face, legs and tail tips. However, “Puranthadi” strain is slightly brown in color. The horns are long, flat and curved, bending backward on each side of the neck nearly up to the shoulders with tips pointed mostly in upward direction
. The animals are maintained in semi-intensive management system. Buffaloes and heifers in this area are reared mainly for fat production. Average milk yield per lactation is 1039 kg ranging from 760-1500 kg with average milk fat of 8.25% ranging from 7.0-8.8%.
Nagpuri cattle are valued for their endurance and ability to thrive in a variety of environments. However, managing these cattle over large areas can be time-consuming and difficult. GPS technology offers a powerful tool to overcome these challenges, providing farmers with real-time data about their cattle’s location, behavior, and health.
By integrating GPS technology into livestock management practices, farmers can:
- Ensure the safety and security of their cattle.
- Optimize grazing practices for healthier pastures.
- Reduce labor costs by remotely monitoring cattle.
- Enhance overall herd productivity and milk yield.
- Address health concerns quickly through early detection.