The Toda breed is known after its herdsmen, the Toda tribe of the Nilgiris in the State of Tamil Nadu. This is an important breed of buffalo, which thrives well in high rainfall and high humid area. It is mainly used for work, socio-cultural & religious ceremonies. The calves are generally fawn in colour at birth and at around 2 months of age, the fawn colour changes to ash grey. In adult buffaloes, the predominant coat colours are fawn and ash-grey. Horns are long and are variable in shape. They are usually set wide apart emerging outward slightly downward and upward with the points being recurved inward, forming characteristically a crescent shape or semicircle. Horns are thick at the base. A narrow band of dense hair covering the top line from the crest of neck to the point of origin of tail, two chevron markings - one just around the jowl and the other anterior to the brisket is found. The average lactation milk yield is around 500 Kg with an average fat of 8.22%.
Toda cows, like other livestock breeds, face a range of challenges when it comes to management. The rugged terrain of the Nilgiri Hills where Toda cows are typically raised can make it difficult for farmers to locate their cows, especially when they roam freely. In addition, Toda cows are known for their ability to wander over large areas in search of food and water. This makes cattle GPS trackers particularly valuable for Toda cow farmers in ensuring the safety, well-being, and productivity of their herds.
A cattle GPS tracker is a device attached to the cow, typically in the form of a collar or ear tag, that uses Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to track and monitor the animal's movements. These trackers are connected to a central system, which provides real-time data on the location, behavior, and activity of the cattle. The information is typically available via a mobile app or web interface, making it easy for farmers to keep track of their livestock.